Native Transitions Plugin


This plugin allows you to use native transitions for page curl, flip, and fade.


The Native Transition plugin can be used to use the native transitions for page curl, flip, and fade in iOS applications.

For example, the following code can be used to use a native "curl" transition when navigating to a panel called "PANELCARD_CURL":

var duration = .75;
var direction = 'up';

Click here to download an example component. This component is designed to be published to and run in Alpha Launch.

See NPM: cordova-plugin-native-transitions for full documentation.


To learn more about the Native Transitions plugin, watch the video below.

Cordova Native Transitions Plugin Demo

If you wrap a UX component in a Cordova shell you can now use native transitions to animate certain Panel Cards in your app into view. This feature relies on the Native Transitions Cordova plugin (iOS only).

In this video we show how the Native Transitions plugin can be called.

